About The EntreprenHer™ Show:
The EntreprenHer™ Show is a one hour weekly/bi-weekly show featuring Smart, Savvy, Business Women. We provide access to women who welcome the opportunity to share the lessons they have learned and the successes they have experienced in their own business. Each guest offers weekly tips and resources that our audience can immediately implement to better manage, market and lead their business and clients to greater success both online and off the web.
Some of the Subjects we discuss include: Social Media, Relationship Marketing, Email Marketing, Direct Marketing, Business Management and Productivity, Leadership Strategies, Nonprofit Marketing, Public Relations, Product Creation, Lead Generation, Event Marketing and more!
About our Guest Experts: Our guests are Smart, Savvy Women who have achieved success in their business focusing on specific issues they have met head-on and overcome. They talk about what it takes to start, manage and promote a business today, where to find your ideal clients, how to make your message stand out in the crowded marketplace and how to leverage resources to get more done, in less time and with greater return on investment of time, talent and treasure.
Our Goal is to introduce our audience to amazing, successful women who may or may not be well-known online but who are none-the-less leaders in their own industries and communities. In addition to sharing their stories, we ask our guest experts to share with our audience the valuable resources they use to better manage their own business.
How to Get an Invitation to be Interviewed
To get interviewed, complete the short questionnaire below and submit it. If you meet our criteria, we will contact you with available dates/times for upcoming shows and see about adding you as a special guest expert.
Some things to keep in mind: You must be a woman professional/business owner for at least 3 years to qualify as a guest expert. You must have an online presence such as a blog/website and participate in one or more social media channels.
Note: Currently we are focusing on interviewing women experts. However men are welcome to attend and listen in. If we recognize you as an authority on a specific topic, you may be invited to sit in as a guest with our EntreprenHers™ and ask a question or share a resource. This is NOT the place to promote yourself or your own products or services. We reserve that privilege for our weekly invited guest experts.
See our current shows and replays here: https://entreprenhers.com/current-entreprenher-shows-replays-new/