Meet JoAnna Brandi, Return on Happiness

"Meet JoAnna Brandi"

President of JoAnna Brandi & Company since 1990, JoAnna is a consultant, a public speaker and the author of two books on customer loyalty, Winning At Customer Retention, 101 Ways to Keep ‘em Happy, Keep ‘em Loyal and Keep ‘em Coming Back and Building Customer Loyalty- 21 Essential Elements in Action as well as a gift book on positive thinking 54 Ways to Stay Positive in a Changing, Challenging and Sometimes Negative World. She is currently writing, From Positive Thinking to Positive DOING: Positivity Practices That Help You Turn Happiness Into A Habit.”

JoAnna Brandi is the Publisher of The Customer Care Coach®. A self study leadership training program in the “The Art and Science of Exquisite Customer Care” as well as “Monday Morning Motivation,” a tool to keep employees focused on keeping customers happy.

She is a graduate of Dr. Martin Seligman’s Authentic Happiness Coaching program – one of only 850 trained worldwide, and is a founding member of the Positive Workplace International. She has developed one and two day workshops on Positive Leadership and does Positive Leadership Coaching for individuals and groups. Positive cultures help create happy customers!

She is certified in Neuro Linguistics, The Art of Empowerment, and has studied Applied Creative Thinking as well Positive Psychology. Her FREE bi-weekly newsletter delivers insight and wisdom on creating positive, customer caring cultures to thousands of people worldwide for the last 19 years.

JoAnna serves a diverse group of clients in a number of different capacities, in large companies and small alike. Working as a resource for TEC/Vistage, an international organization of CEOs for over sixteen years, JoAnna has coached, consulted and served as the “Chief Inspiration Officer” for CEOs, their executives and staffs nationwide. She is a highly rated speaker at conferences all over North America.

In her workshops and keynotes she motivates entire organizations to get passionate about customers and raise their “Positivity Ratios” at the same time. She uses email, telephone classes and video to keep her inspiring message and practical how-to’s in the forefront of minds of the leaders and customer facing employees. She specializes in creating more positive, strengths based workplaces where employees are motivated and customers are happy and loyal. She activates the link between positivity and profitability.

Her clients include: Bank of America, Citibank, Hammacher Schlemmer, Goodwill, GTE, IBM,  Make-A-Wish Foundation and many others.

Prior to starting her own business JoAnna was the Director of Direct Marketing Services, a multimillion dollar sales division of CMP Media in NY. She was responsible for creating their first on line customer care system and for the start of their world class day care center.